
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Northwest Ribfest ~ "Dunk a Queen" fundraiser for Jamie Hilton-MIA 2009

One of our pageant sisters and beautiful friend, Jamie Hilton - Mrs. Idaho America 2009 suffered a tragic fall early in June that led to emergency brain surgery.  Her family had no medical insurance to help with expenses, thus her Mrs. Idaho America family came together to do fundraisers to help them alleviate some of the stress resulting from her accident.  We were fortunate to have a booth approved at the first annual Ribfest at the new Kleiner Park in Meridian.  We had former queens and local titleholders dunked for a wonderful cause in helping our friend, Jamie.  There is also a link set up to raise additional $ for her family if anyone can help monetarily with their expenses..see attached blog and link.

Mandi (Mrs. Idaho America 2003 and Director) made up some cute shirts!
 With the local radio DJ
 Our booth with Sondra Lavoie (Mrs. Capital City 2011)
 Teresa Floto in the dunk tank.
 Thanks to Kim Mulkey (Mrs. Mountain Home)  for the many hours
spent at the booth that day
 One of my little dunkers...Cesar from Las Vegas!
 Signing my autograph cards between dunks.  I don't think
my hair was dry for the 2 1/2 hrs I was there!  
 This little guy was my first dunk of the afternoon!
 Mr. Idaho monitored the dunk lever so noone would just
sneak over and push it.  However for some reason, it would dunk me
even when it wasn't hit....WEIRD!!
 Future Mrs. Idaho America!

 My last dunk of the day.
He happened to be one of my daughter, Ashley's friends.
 Another future princess and queen!
 So many creative people in Idaho! 
This booth was selling hula hoops made out of PVC tubing. 
 They were all different sizes and with colored tape. 
 I had to test it!  Then took one home with me to
help with my AB training for Mrs. America!!
Here is link to their page:

Saturday, June 23, 2012

"Walk like MADD" walk/run ~ Boise, Idaho

Boise held it's first run/walk event today for the organization MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers). This is to bring about awareness to drunk driving and the tragedies that have been affected. MADD Boise raised over $6000 in an effort to stop drunk driving, support families of victims and to eliminate underage drinking. My friend, Angela Boyle lost her brother, Shawn Marti and 5 month old niece in 2003 when a drunk driver hit the Marti family head on. Angela helped to organize this MADD walk/run and I hope to collaborate with them and perhaps have a MADD/DONT walk for next year since they both raise awareness to driving safely and preventing distractive driving that has taken many lives senselessly.    Statistics have indicated that texting and driving are just as dangerous as one driving with a DUI.  In my book, texting and driving should be charged the same as a DUI.
With Angela Boyle and Natalie Marti 

Angela Boyle ~ formerly Mrs. Treasure Valley 

Mrs. Idaho America ~ Pool party welcoming new titleholders!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Mrs. Idaho America meets Mrs. World 2012, April Lufriu ~ Tampa, FL.

We were thrilled to meet April Lufriu - Mrs. World and her family while visiting Florida.  April is a wonderful lady and so incredibly humble! Her husband, George was a barrel of laughs and their children, Savannah and Brandon were adorable!  We invited them to come to Idaho someday for a visit. Savannah asked, "Can we bring our parents with us?". So cute!  Of course! By all means!  Brandon asked about "Bigfoot" in Idaho and if we've seen him.  I have not, but heard that he has been spotted most recently in Eastern Idaho! Our dinner at a fancy restaurant outside Tampa, FL was enjoyable getting to know them.  I believe that April and I bonded since we are just a few months apart in age.  We can't wait to see them again, perhaps on a trip out again with the rest of our family to Busche Gardens.  

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Miss Idaho America pageant - Nampa, Idaho

Congrats to the new Miss Idaho America 2013 , Whitney Wood from Idaho Falls.  She is both beautiful and talented as she plays the piano.  Her platform is "Handbags for Hope" as she collects purses, fills them with hygienic essentials and distributes them to homeless shelters and women group homes.
Me and my beautiful friend, Liz Amar and former Mrs. Idaho 2006 
An adorable princess all dressed up for the pageant! 
Me and Whitney Wood - Mrs. Idaho America 2013

Kleiner Park opening ~ Meridian, Idaho

This beautiful Meridian park opened to the public for the first time on June 9th. It is unlike any other park where there are no ball fields, but a complete place of peace and serenity. There are 3 miles of walkways, ponds, rolling hills and 1300 trees planted throughout. It has been built to accommodate all ages from the playground to the Senior Center and the Veteran memorial for those who have served our country from the city of Meridian. We are so blessed to have this donated by Julius's son,Gene Kleiner in the amount of $25 milion dollars. Thank you, GENE!! What a generous gift!
The beautiful outdoor amphitheatre

The kids play area.  I wish I hadn't been in a dress as I would have tried
 out these balancing discs!

The plaque

These guys were awesome and it was interesting learning all
the rules of the game, especially the part when you have to be sure
to "pass the crayon" !  I kept hearing him say it and it sounded like
he was saying, "Pass the Crown"!  LOL!  I'm not ready to do that quite yet
till my time is up in October.  :D 

Learning how to play Bocce ball with an expert
from the Bocce Ball team in Boise.  

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Free family Fishing & Bike safety Day ~ Meridian, Idaho

With my 12 yr old son, Zach.  He wasn't overly excited about fishing. 
 Fishing takes a ton of patience!

This handsome lad already caught 4 fish!  
I loved his fishing attire!! He is ready to "bait up"!

The State FISH..Cutthroat Trout!  A morning of fishing brings TROUT for me! However, we had fun experiencing the hobby that so many Idahoans love! The line casting-fun, worms-gross, fishing-no patience, families & friends -PRICELESS!