
Saturday, June 23, 2012

"Walk like MADD" walk/run ~ Boise, Idaho

Boise held it's first run/walk event today for the organization MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers). This is to bring about awareness to drunk driving and the tragedies that have been affected. MADD Boise raised over $6000 in an effort to stop drunk driving, support families of victims and to eliminate underage drinking. My friend, Angela Boyle lost her brother, Shawn Marti and 5 month old niece in 2003 when a drunk driver hit the Marti family head on. Angela helped to organize this MADD walk/run and I hope to collaborate with them and perhaps have a MADD/DONT walk for next year since they both raise awareness to driving safely and preventing distractive driving that has taken many lives senselessly.    Statistics have indicated that texting and driving are just as dangerous as one driving with a DUI.  In my book, texting and driving should be charged the same as a DUI.
With Angela Boyle and Natalie Marti 

Angela Boyle ~ formerly Mrs. Treasure Valley 

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