
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mrs. America Finals night

Opening number 

 Hosts: Florence Henderson and daughter, Barbara 

 Lara (Mrs. America 2012) performing Hawaiian dance 

 Our choreographers, Frit and Frat Fuller perform 

 State Costumes
Mrs. Arizona, Kirin Christensen
 Mrs. Connecticut, Vanassa Sebastian
 Arica Burton, Mrs. District of Columbia

 Mrs. Hawaii, Stacey Bass Snee

Yours truly, Mrs. Idaho, Beverly Hartle rocking the 
Idaho state fish, the Cutthroat Trout
"Presented by a group of 4th graders from Kuna in 1990, 
the cutthroat trout officially became the state fish"

 Puckering a fish kiss for the audience 
 Mrs. Iowa, Jamie Cherland
 Mrs. Michigan, Lisa Zorn-Hemmie
 Mrs. Minnesota, Ali
"Betty Crocker"

 Mrs. Missouri, Tina York
 Mrs. Nevada, Kristie Jelinsky

 Mrs. New York, Leah Bartos 
 Mrs. Oregon, Erin Piibor 
 Mrs. Tennessee, Bethany Sharp 

 Mrs. Utah, Juliet Tietjen
"beehive state, the Queen Bee"

 Lisa Sonnenberg, Mrs. Illinois (Chicago Bulls)
Danyele Gardner , Mrs. South Carolina 

 April Lufriu, Mrs. World 

 April is presented an award from the president of the center of blindness
for her efforts this year as ambassador 

 Tux dance in swimwear

 Evening Gown 

 Top 6
Alaska, Utah, North Carolina, Iowa, Tennessee, Hawaii
Vicki Sarber, Juliet Tietjen, Jessica Harvey, Jamie Cherland, Bethany Sharp, Stacey Bass-Snee

 Congrats to Vicki Sarber, Mrs Alaska the newly crowned Mrs. America!!

 Coming out into the audience to visit my friends and family
Ashley and Zach 

 So happy to have the support of my most devoted and loving husband and my 2 
youngest children, Ashley and Zach!

My Beautiful daughter, Ashley!

 My beautiful and close friend, Mandi!  

 Gorgeous Kaley Sparling, Mrs. Ada County, Idaho 

 My friends and Mrs. Idaho supporters!  
I love these ladies!
left to right: Jamie Hilton, Susan Marler, Mandi Feely, Sher Finke, Kim Mulkey,
Liz Amar, Kaley Sparling, Kristie Bear, Jackie Wintz, Lauralyn Salinas

 Some candid moments with Kaley. 
This girl cracks me up!

 Back to "pageant pose" lol
 With my 2 of my beautiful and best kids ever!
Ashley and Zachary

 Blonde Beauties
Former Mrs. Idaho's
2007, 2006, 2008


 With Kristie, Mrs. Idaho America 2011

 With Lauralyn Salinas - Mrs. Idaho America 2007

 With my amazing and gorgeous friend, Liz Amar - Mrs. Idaho America 2006

 With Jackie- Mrs. Idaho America 2008

 Love my strong and beautiful friend Jamie Hilton - Mrs. Idaho America 2009
Somehow we ended up making up "prom poses" here LOL!


 Current and former Mrs. Idaho's 
 2008,2003, 2012, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009

 Me and my roomie, Juliet
Jules was 4th runner up for Mrs. America!  
Congrats to my lovely and humble friend!

 Rooting for each other!

 Love this picture of our Paparazzi! 
 Mrs. Idaho America and Mrs. Utah America with our husbands
Greg Hartle and Spencer Tietjen 
 Checking to see if Zach was still alive after such a long day! 
I think I was about to lie down next to him.  I was exhausted after
long days of rehearsals 

 Congrats to the newly crowned Mrs. America, Vicki Sarber 


 Judy Wright was both Vickie and my hair and makeup artist.  

 With the stunning, Mrs. America 2012 Lara Leimana Fonoimoana

 With the reigning Mrs. World, April Lufriu.  
She is such a beautiful and humble woman and so thrilled
to have met such an amazing lady.  I'm looking forward to 
visiting her again in Florida someday with her husband, George 
and her adorable children Brandon and Savannah. 

 I am the luckiest woman in the world.  I don't need a title or crown
to tell me that I already have felt like a queen from being married to 
the most loving, supportive and adoring husband ever!  I could not have
done any of this without him by my side.  Thank you sweetie for being the love of 
my life, my best friend and companion! 

 I am one lucky mom to have the best kids ever!!
Love you Ashley and Zach
I missed having my 2 older kids with me, Shea and Dilan 
however they were cheering from Texas and Utah! 

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